The link: The Great Edgarini (III) Three months had passed since that meeting. He believed that nothing could stop him ... Unless the disease.
But after that time to revive the community and wielding magic again the title of grandmaster, everything was falling apart under their noses.
When he found the deck, never would have thought they were truly magical. Designed to make a number, of course! But then to be haunted ... Even
remembered the first time he realized:
After being taken out of the box, a kind of electricity shot through his arm.
"Bah!" Static Electricity "he thought.
Later, after dinner on the floor above the store, Edgar Amalio took the opportunity to tell his curious finding:
"I decided to stay with this as a parting gift.
Edgar was the deck. Amalio
eyes opened wide and he stammered exclaimed
- my God! I thought it had been buried with his master!
- What?
-Edgar. Now I want you to listen carefully. Do not think the cards, just let your mind go blank and not think about them until the lame.
- What do you mean? There are only a few old letters.
"True, but are something else. Now imagine mountains, green meadows, whatever, but let me pick. Before it's too late.
-Amalio, Are you afraid of this? Edgar
showed the cards as if you were on stage about to do a number, it will rise Amalio caused alarm.
- Oh, no! Edgar leave. It's dangerous! Amalio
But when the fingers touched the nearest letter, Edgar moved his hand and instinctively thought of keeping them away from his friend. Egar
smiled and exclaimed:
- Hopla!
scream Amalio This made it almost looked like a madman,
- Noooo! Do not go, fool! Electric shock
stronger than the first letter came from almost the shoulder, leaving him arm almost asleep and feel in the hand.
To his astonishment, the feeling of lack of letters after the current was not false: The deck was gone from his left hand.
- What was that? "Where have they gone? Amalio
sat, almost fainted in her wing chair. His face seemed to have aged centuries in a moment.
"These are magic cards. Really magical, Edgar. When touched by someone, wake up. And if you do some magic number, establishing a link between them and their new owner.
- What are you talking about me?
-Think of them a moment, and Picture them put into my hand. Amalio
right hand, palm upwards. While this shakes more than usual, just your voice seems unsure and it is also grim.
-Amalio, this is a very successful farewell joke, but ...
- Do it! Imagine your new cards in the palm of my hand! Amalio
had shouted to his friend and disciple for the first time since he had known. For over fifty years.
"Okay. But you do not yell at me. Edgar
concentrated, and in just a second, your mind created the image of the deck of cards in the hand of his friend. A tingling seized his head round her neck, and passing into his brain.
To his amazement, a spark was formed between the fingers and there were Amalio again: The letters lay in the hand of his friend, who had moved the expression of the eyes.
He spoke with the same tone before the call:
"Yes. It's too late. Now you are linked. I can only demand that they not use them ever.
- What's all this, Amalio? It is remarkable this invention of yours, "But all this fair assembly?
"It is an invention of mine, Edgar. These are the letters of the greatest magician in the world.
Edgar is the shift in opening his eyes wide.
- You mean it?
said this pointed to a poster on the wall, where a man dressed in the typical Chinese dress showing an ace of spades.
-Si. I'm talking about the Great Ming Fu.
- Would you say these are ...? Amalio
responded with a breath, wiping sweat from his brow
-Each and every one of these cards are known as: Mystic or Cards Shuffle Mystics, Edgar.
Edgar stands and watch with amazement did his hand where the cards lie. Amali afirmativemente nods, his eyes deny what is happening:
-The very letters used the Great Ming Fu.
continued ...