From that day he had in his hands for the first time the letters, Edgar never doubted the veracity of the words Amalio.
However, his desire to return to be someone in the elite, could with prudence.
Now, three months later was devastated, the cards had failed.
In each of their numbers, the deck was admired for its magic and divination purposes, disappeared. It was true magic. Edgar
sits at her mirror in the dressing room. Before him are the letters, still. From last night, the magician had not touched without protection.
She took off the gloves and began to catch them, when a knock broke the silence of the room.
-five minutes on stage, Mr. Wizard. "I'm coming
boy. Give me a second.
His fingers trembled as his hand is getting closer to the deck.
For a second, your mind definitely. "Really I can do a smaller number?" Thinks the old man. The time
discoursed with Letters in his possession, Edgar haya go up to the top in a few days to stay on top ... at least until last night: When the letters had failed not reappear in his hand. But the worst was the pain inside his head, as if someone drive a hot tube in the center of the brain and then a Foreign vacuum. Fainted.
The next morning he woke up in bed with Amalio to side with the letters on the nightstand:
"You retire, Edgar. Keeps the cards and forget about them or kill you next time.
Edgar sat up and noticed his whole body ached, especially his head
- What happened last night, Amalio?
This said, shaking his head no: "That's the difference
only thing that matters is that it's time to hang the hat. You are at the top, leave now or I'll kill.
Edgar tried to sit, but severe dizziness came over him and had his body gave up, falling into bed.
"See what I mean. These weak. Give me the Cards, Edgar. I know where they hide until it breaks the link.
The old man looked at his friend's eyes. He smiled: "Let's make a deal
. Tonight will be the last of the Great Edgarini, I leave with you the letters and give to the audience what you think. Amalio
repeated his gesture of denial:
"You know you can die. But with stubborn you are, I prefer that you not risk a long and painful worse in your attempt to remain at the top. Edgar
approached his friend and hugged him. The great magician
think everything that happened until this morning, a few hours ago it was clear: to make a final number and disappear from the world of entertainment.
But with his hand touching the deck millimeters, his mind recalled the pain and fear every time he used those magic cards. This could be his undoing and his body has refused to collaborate. Amalio
sits in the front row. His hands are clinging ivory head of his stick.
"Edgar do not. This will kill you."
The pit is packed, localities are not free. Some audience members are making bets on whether the old will fail again.
Minutes later, people start to get nervous. Something happens, the magician does not appear, Amalio has bad omens.
When you decide that perhaps it is better to go backstage to check the status of his friend, music and lights give way to open the curtain.
To everyone's surprise, the stage is empty.
After a few seconds, a voice sounds behind the scenes:
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. As you may have guessed, I am The Great Edgarini. Tonight I offer a very special number. Get ready for the final trick.
An explosion of white smoke Edgar made to appear dressed in his classic tuxedo, his black cape lined with red velvet, the hat and the personal touch of his personality: the red clown nose. The audience applauds
passionately, as if Edgar was a rock star.
The old man bows with his right hand on top shows the Mystic Shuffle, which incredibly is surrounded by a bright red aura.
"Now, ladies and gentlemen, pay close attention: These cards are a deck either. Belonged to the great magician Ming Fu, who despite his great power and greater wisdom, failed to control time. Unfortunately, a server is not worthy to overcome in order ... Edgar
shows fanning the deck before the respectable, while walking from one side to another of the stage.
"Even if I have a bit more wisdom. Today, I now have to perform the trick most difficult of my life. I to release the deck. Amalio
achieves up like a spring, d despite his age and infirmities. A cry out of his throat
-Nooo! Stop, Edgar! This is very dangerous! Edgar barely
But hey, people to believe part of the number, the intensity of their applause and shouts of encouragement.
-here I come!
The magician raises both hands to the ceiling. The aura of the deck increases to illuminate the stage and audience, including Tata Amalio reach the stairs to get to the stage in a vain attempt to arrest his friend.
A flash blinded everyone. Amalio screams with all his might
joining the rest of viewers.
The light disappears, leaving the theater in an atmosphere of tension. All the mysticism has disappeared. Edgar is with their hands up, and the cards scattered on the floor. No magic.
Nobody moves. Only hear the breathing of people. Amalio has been in the middle of the stairs waiting for the disaster, but now his face reflects the same perplexity that of other people. Edgar
dropped only letters to suelo.Su voice is calm and serene:
"At first I did not understand. But this afternoon I have been clear: I am an old dreamer who wanted to die with his boots on, but in reality what he fears is not to be forgotten, if not disappointed himself. So, ladies and gentlemen, after This new tour accompanied by the Mystic Shuffle, it's time to retire. I am sorry that you liked the show, but if it is not how to close a logical professional life. Nothing in the world of magic is. Goodnight and thanks for always paciencia.Hasta. Edgar
goes behind the scenes had to exit, when believing that the public are screaming anger, Amalio hugs him and forces him to look on stage.
The letters are floating around the theater above the audience. As dozens of birds, the letters are changing training.
The cries were actually surprised some spectators stand and applaud ecstatically. You never know who
it starts, but this time it is the Amalio who applauds and shouts the name of his friend, spreading to other people:
Edgar returns the embrace of his friend and accommodating layer back out on stage.
mass aclamacomo him an emperor, while the letters were directed towards him. When they reach the height of the magician, are you around, then be on his magical flying the words
think everything that happened and finally understands that the letters were tired and had exhausted his own power, so it led to the death to the Great Mingu Fu. But Edgar, in the dressing room by promising to give them a decent break, these had provided an exceptional farewell. The magician extends his right hand, palm upwards.
All letters come together to form the deck at the old man's hand prestigitador. Edgar
bows before a rapt audience, while listening as the stagehand shouts
-Boys: Cradle Will Rock.