Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hacking The Schools Proxy

The Chaos of Love in REM dreams (IV)

- Levels of alpha waves?

-descending, but we are still in NREM stage 3.

- How will the electromyogram?

-Normal to NORM 3.

- Pulse?

-60. Normal breathing. 99% saturation. All normal.
the EEG is changing. We have spent a NMOR 4.
Strengthen me that we are in Phase 4.

"If doctor, Elsa is in NREM 4. Wait! Confirmed increase Delta waves. REM's going on.

All are in the control room. Except Elsa. She is inside the cylinder of the machine Yamakasi Teacher: The recorder-player dreams.

The girl's father is in the main console coordinating the team: Judith

which is responsible for polysomnography console which controls the three parameters Sleep: EEG, Electro-and electromyogram.

Carlos, an eminent physician, is responsible for monitoring the patient through its own checkpoint: respiration, blood oxygen saturation, electrocardiography, and also notes Elsa's face on a monitor connected to a camera inside cabin. Finally this

Yamakasi professor, who is responsible for monitoring the machine. The father went to his colleague and whispered: "Doctor

Yamakasi, who believes we can send the files?

The man shakes his head, while typing on the computer a set of instructions.

"Wait thirty seconds to confirm REM REM forgiveness a stable and we can proceed.

"Okay. Wait 29 seconds for the intrusion.

"If doctor, 28 seconds to intrusion.

The teacher stands up and approaches the father to the main console itself.

"I congratulate Doctor, his daughter is an extraordinary woman. Despite the pressure has to sleep in the prototype. Knowing what all this, I honestly would have panicked.

The doctor smiles as he opens a window on your monitor where you can see the image of Elsa asleep inside the machine.

She is astonishing, but do not know if his love for Eric has managed to have the courage to go there ... or guilty.

"Fifteen seconds to intrusion.

"Tell me, Doctor. How to get travel memories from the mind of his daughter's present to the mind of his daughter in the past. I thought that only the positrons could travel in time.

"Well, as you discuss in your day use these positrons to spearhead.

"Oh, yes! Now I remember, when they "open" a window to the past, is used to transmit a coded message to the coordinates and go where the recipient. But do not understand how they can know that reaching the right person.

The doctor raises a hand to the teacher indicating that now is the time to get excited in a scientific discussion. The teacher nods and returns to the checkpoint.
-five seconds, four, three, two, one. Starting intrusion.

-response of the subject?
0.5% and rising.

The doctor smiles again and goes back to the teacher who is talking to Judith, the assistant doctor.

-Yamakasisan, which need a minimum level of harmony to Elsa dreams of the death of Eric?

"In my experiments we calculated that only 47% of harmonics during stable REM five minutes enough. In fact, in this case I hope you do not gain 70%.


Professor stop smiling for a second and his face transformed into that of someone who has been caught in a lie or a subterfuge. After a few thousandths of a second shows the palms of his hands as he offered up a confession:

There was a case of a boy who came to 73% absorption of memories induced for five minutes. That would provoke a dream that brought him back to his childhood ...

- And?

Japanese scientist scratching his head with a blank stare at the ceiling.

"When he woke ... He spent two days believing be the child of four years was in 1998.

The doctor grabs the lapels of the professor. This angry, while Charles and Judith try to separate, the father of the girl screams in the face of an astonished teacher:

"But that did not tell me! What will happen if harmony too?

"Easy! In this prototype I created a ... as they say ... safety valve, no? No, that's not ... Block, that is, I created a safety interlock: The computer is programmed to have a span of five minutes in the percentage, your daughter is getting delayed signal we're sending to your brain. If we reach 55% we can abort the intrusion, and in the worst case, only have a safe nightmare or a dream you will forget over time.
If for any errors in the measurements, the intruder reached the 70% the computer is set to go into suspension. There is nothing to fear.

all calm down a bit. "Excuse me

Yamakasisan. Has been an abuse of me.

"Easy. I understand that this concern for her daughter. I insist that it is very brave for participating in this. Incidentally, his wife has not wanted to stay, I thought I was happy with this.

"This in another room. Like you I have created another "safety valve" I asked, I prepared a room for when Elsa finished, will be moved to a real bed.

The two men laugh and the atmosphere is relaxed.

-Judith as we are?
48% stable.

"Fine, when you reach twenty-five minutes off the intruder and proceed to Level II.

"Okay. It takes five minutes and thirty seconds in REM phase stable with 47.8% stable harmonics.

"Fine, if you do not mind I want to lead the teacher to the area of \u200b\u200btravel. If something happens let us know by the transmitter.

"Yes, doctor.

The two men go through a back door. While walking down a long corridor in a whitewashed, the doctor offers a candy to a colleague Japan, this the happily accepts.

"Tell me something, doctor. Why is my prototype needed for this? Why not send her daughter awakens memories of the past? "Well Yamakasisan

. After the MIT will present its prototype to generate a beam of positrons into the past, I concluded that it would be easier to send electromagnetic omdas matter. But if he sent the hear voices around the world. It's that simple: If we sent the message in a coded language only, only the person who had generated could understand. And
experiments recalled my mentor Dr. Origami. Who discovered how to turn brain pulses radio waves, and then deliver them back to the brain.

The two men entered an elevator that takes them several floors downward.

"Yes." We recorded the memories of people and sent them to the past. But we had problems from the outset.

- Why?

"In my first experiments used encrypted messages from data obtained from people awake. The problem is that a human awake receives many external stimuli: sounds, images, smells, etc. Thus, the message containing all the information useless. Dejavús caused hundreds of our subjects. We conclude that it was better to sleeping people, but Of course, when you sleep you dream of a free will and it was chaos. Because people remember having dreamed the same thing for years but did not know if for certain was caused by our test or a persistent dream.

"And here's where I come with my prototype.

The two men exit the elevator to meet in a lobby with a security gate in front of them, the doctor typed a code in the opening panel.

"Yes, all his theorem is what we will prove that my machine runs. If Elsa can remember the tragic day of Eric's death before it happens, you can try to avoid it.

"And there's the paradox? Remember that Hawkins said the laws of Conjecture avoid paradoxes, but can happen.

"Even so has whatever I'm willing to try. And now let me introduce you to "Chronos I" my child.

To the amazement of the teacher, before it extends a huge control room where you can see a part of what Japan recognizes as a particle accelerator like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva.

"My God! All this to send greetings to the past?

-Solo is the beginning, my friend. Suffice it to work for be the first step in a new era ...

transmitter carrying the belt hanging doctor sizzles and you hear the hysterical voice of Judith:


- What is it, Elsa is okay?

"Yes, but begin to increase the harmonic up to 50%. wanted to have everything ready in case there is a peak too high, but the computer asks for a passcode. Is the teacher there?

The teacher laughs as he wipes glasses:

-Oh! be sure to remove the password. Do not worry typed: DR.SLUMP.

-Si. We can access, thanks professor. Wait a minute this is all in Japanese!

"Come forth, teacher. When we start the Level II can pry all you want, but we have been irresponsible, especially me.

-Bah! quiet everything is under control. The safety valve will not allow the computer to send anything dangerous.

Judith's voice again sound from the transmitter:

-Doctor now if we have a problem.


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