Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Building A Corrugated Iron Fence


"That's what you think of me. I'm useless.
The old man puts his hands on the desk, a slight tremor accompanying the stiffness of his fingers while trying to hold on to it.
"I never said that, Edgar. But you have to understand that sooner or later it's time to surrender to the obvious.
The young man is sitting in his great chair, pointing towards the old man's hands.
This quickly hides them in the pockets of his jacket worn than old-fashioned.
"That's not the problem. I am still very good and still astonished the public.
-Edgar ... Until Saturday, was the Great Magician Clown Edgarini. But his hands are failing and that my friend, is the end of his tricks.
"Sorry. Offended. Numbers and no tricks. I know that for you the discipline to convey emotions with sleight of hand is a major art. And if he does behind a red nose, but because of it. Do not think, What is better to leave at the height of a wonderful career, and not fall into the pathetic?
To the astonishment of the young, the elderly bring up his left hand with five red balls just touch the lips of the young, who in his zeal, has risen from his chair to sit on the desk.
- Hopla! Is this pathetic? Just after
to say, his hand trembles scattering balls all over the floor of the office of Ramirez & Ramirez Artists Agents.
Young helps collect the old ball, trying not to lose any bit of pride of man.
-Edgar. Growing up is a big bitch. And nobody wants to accept you as a great artist just yet. Its magic, its power. Everything can fall apart if the age does not allow his soul manifest with that nose and those red balls. Listen, think: Let the great theaters and devote yourself to teaching young talent. Someone may become your best heir.
The old man raises his head as far as his aching back allowed. Pick up his felt hat and slams the door on exit.
While lowering the lift is about to mourn. The boy is right. It is a pathetic old man clinging to an ideal: that will die on foot proscenium. But the disease is unrelenting, not even respect its essence.
Since he met Ramon in military service was more than ... How much? Fifty-six years now!
Those two years had to be torture, but to meet this boy son of the circus, he discovered the world of magic.
That was a revelation. A magician was amazing. Ramón only knew four tricks ... numbers, he had stressed, Ramon: The trick is to fool someone numbers are to share with illusion illusion hence the name.
For Edgar, the little pearl of knowledge, it was as infected. He had tasted the magic. And you never desire anything else in life: Being illusionist.
Returning to the city, decided to continue with their work at a plumbing as second officer. But in his spare time looking for someone who could teach him more magic.
He was nearly a year to find somebody to learn, but he made one day almost by accident: The owner of "Smoke and Mirrors", Amalio Estévez.
The old office building goes, it's cold and hardly any people on the street. Decide to go see Amalio and make your last issue: Disappearing from the scene.
From the small shop just selling something. Amalio only used as a museum to his life dedicated to the design and sale of equipment and instruments for the magician.

opened the door and hear the bells, Edgar again feel the same emotion that seized decades ago when he first entered. This would be the last.

"Hello, Edgar. Happens, happens. I'm taking inventory.

continued ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Naruto Shippuden 42 Gifs

ugy, Unamed Game Yet

quite some time ago not coming up as an update of the video game was running. The truth, and I are staying a couple of weeks to deliver the software and, in turn, defend it before the evaluation committee and is not much I can offer with this update. Anyway, and how nice it is OOP is that once you have ready the items, simply "weapons."

that this update provides?, As follows:

  • teleportation using events. The previous version only if the character was detected near the edges in order to switch to the next scene. This time, it becomes invisible through events that are arranged on stage: when the character passes over them, automatically change the scene. These events are always near the doors, as it should be logical.
  • display the action to perform. shares will be used to run the space bar. In the upper right corner of the screen will display a small box that can describe what action the character with the space bar. If there are no actions listed in White, if any action (eg "open" in the case of a door) will appear in the table.
  • A small example of the game mechanics . In the example shown a closed door (the first room you enter after login). To open the door will require a password which can be deduced from mathematical problem that is exhibited there.

Here is a video where you can appreciate better the above:

and here the code: html

Any suggestion is welcome, after all ... the code is not as clean as say, sorry: S. Atte


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fotos De Garotas Nuas

PXE Linux Installation Day

One day I was approached by a fellow 2nd year computer and tell me if he could help with a Linux installation. I am still a rookie, I have 2 years using Linux as a workstation, but I can share as little experience with students of lower classes. I decided to help, installation was a total ... I did not know was that ....

... The installation had the following conditions:
  • LAN Boot Install or REDHAT FEDORA (the same grass ...)

Basically, they wanted a PC serve as a source of installing a fedora or redhat-one (or more PCs) could be installed from that computer.

First, never in my life had done an installation of an operating system for LAN boteandolo, also red-hat industry is not to my liking (personal preference, nothing more ...).

Well, I had committed so ... to be documented. Reading some blogs, the solution was to perform an installation by PXE. I will not explain in detail that is PXE, since management is not the issue, but I will explain the steps I took to make this possible.

server machine: Compaq running Zenwalk v3117la serve
Distribution: Fedora (DVD)

First prepare the site containing the files that will allow the boot, thus create a folder called "tftpboot" in the root directory:

# cd /
# mkdir tftpboot

Now , mounted DVD and copy the files initrd.img and vmlinuz found in the images folder in the folder you just created. For my case, the DVD will assign a / dev / dvd and will ride on the folder / media / dvd

# mount / dev / dvd / media / dvd
# cd / media / dvd / images
# cp initrd.img / tftpboot
# cp vmlinuz / tftpboot

Ready, Copiapo pxelinux.0 file folder / tftpboot. This file can be found in the / usr / lib / syslinux / (if you have installed) or you can download it from here: oot / syslinux/syslinux-3.11.tar.gz

I had installed, so, I copy:

# cd / usr / lib / syslinux pxelinux.0
# cp / tftpboot

Then create a folder called pxelinux.cfg within the tftpboot folder. Later in the folder just created a file called default add and write in some instructions:

# cd / tftpboot # mkdir pxelinux.cfg

# cd # vim default

The instructions are:

default prompt 1 timeout 1000

fedora fedora label

kernel vmlinuz append initrd = initrd.img ramdisk_size = 9216 noapic acpi = off

Then, you must configure some services on the server machine that will . One is DHCP (remember that the client machine will boot over the network and this service will assist in the configuration of the network) with this dynamic IP will give the client machine. Obviously, they must ensure that packets for dhcp (dhcpd) are installed. Editarmeos To configure the dhcpd.conf file that (in most distributions) is in the folder / etc. Use the editor that best suits them, I use vim.

vim / etc / dhcpd.conf

The configuration file for this service shall contain the following lines:

default-lease-time 2592000;
max-lease-time 2592000;
ddns -update-style ad-hoc;
ddns-updates on;
allow bootp;
allow booting;
subnet netmask {

option routers;
option broadcast-address;
option domain-name-servers;
option root-path "/ tftpboot";
filename "pxelinux.0"}

As we have already assembled, we can create a symbolic link from the DVD to the folder / tftpboot. The other would create a DVD ISO and create a symbolic link to the ISO, so the disc drive will thank you = P.

# cd / media
DVD # ln-s / tftpboot / DVD

and simplify life, share the DVD with http. Nomas need to install the apache web server and edit its configuration file located in / etc / apache / httpd.conf and is called by adding the following lines:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride none

Allow from all

Alias \u200b\u200b/ fedora / / tftpboot / DVD /

Ready, start all services: http, dhcpd, etc.

With this, should to view DVD files accessed via web to the machine. In this case, was configured with the IP and writing files should be viewed in a browser " "

Well, for me it worked by trying a crossover cable between Servicor and the client machine where the latter should be enabled for network boot.

I hope they can, otherwise, the links are where I found the information: -red-local-not-use-the-cds /

's all for today, take care atte


EDITED!: Today I just did the same configuration on a machine that ran fedora, and there was no case that would serve the facility. The machine was connected to the server but the installation could not start due to "a tftp configuration problem" ... weird ...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Culinary School Letter Of Recommendation Sample

Oracle and Cisco Academy Conference 2008

on Thursday 13 November, Oracle Day was held at the offices of TVN [1]. In parallel, he was making another Cisco event by whom, and for obvious reasons could not attend.

The Oracle day focused on how different companies offering solutions have relied on Oracle products. The mechanics of the talks was very similar among all:

  • Presentation of the company. That
  • Oracle products used for their solutions.
  • How Oracle supports them.

Rather, it was an event focused on sharing experiences, anything technical for that matter. In parallel, each company had its stand in order to make exchanges, offer, made public more than anything.

Rounds of talks were divided into three groups that exhibited simultaneously. After the first cycle was a luncheon in the courtyard of the TVN and then continued exposures.

Now, that in the event in general. How do we live? so:

  • The inscriptions, according to little information on the portal seemed to be Open. Arriving there, they said it was only for businesses and teachers, not students. OWNED! The teacher who was our group's charges, talk to one of the charge and managed to let us go ... luckily. During
  • CoffeBreak ... Nobody wanted to serve me a cup of tea. OWNED! Well, most drinks coffee and then to wait for the water could boil ... I preferred to leave the table ...
  • Luncheon ... We could not enjoy the lunch, there was no room, and between waiting ... prefer to return to the hotel and have lunch with the rest of the delegation, which had also become the event they attended.

Actually this is the story, to give a more comical sense, but rather helped me to analyze than other business areas can be exploited in my area. Not everything is programming and networking, if not to integrate different solutions for the purpose of providing a platform for companies is also the task of computer.

On day 14, Duoc in the host A. Ovalle, the event was held Cisco academy conference. There was also discussion groups that were done in parallel, therefore, the entire delegation was separated again. Talks

which stand out were MPLS [2], a packet routing technology using tags (without revisions ip); Windows V / S Linux, the eternal holy war which could only attend almost end, since I corresponded this group of lectures, Education 2.0, which talked about the north that is following through education and how to use internet to our advantage, obviously, having the case cosinderaciones, etc.

In short, it was a nice experience (which I also feedback) which encourages further to explore other areas that may not take into account or have not ventured into it, or at worst do not know exist.

Photos?, Should the stay. Just get them the ire rising. Atte

---- Ker


1: National Television of Chile

2 MPLS: Multiprotocol Label Switching

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Contract Of Employment Of Company Driver

Grand Mal Awakening: Love in dreams (VI) Acknowledgements and obligations

"Well, go. So the lady is "happy" and has come to wet their pants. Are you an indecent, Sandra.


- What? Ah! which is why I knew I was coming to see her this morning her psychiatrist. Sure! Well, you know the procedure, I loose the gag and here my friend used pepper spray if I try to bite. Will you behave, Sandra?

The man grabs the patient by the hair and tightens the neck to get with the other hand strap that holds the clamp.

Feeling his mouth open, just Elsa can speak:

-I called Sandra. Who are you and what I do here? "What's all this?

-Pschh! Again dreams of being another. Look, miss is better for you not to go out there, the last time the immobilized between three and won two weeks in the padded cell. Now only been three days for spitting at his food. Want to be three months? Hey Johnny, here is the fellow with the version of the facts, and do not miss out on top has been "designed" with Dr. Rialta. If you do not believe me look at him there, still there is a stain that reveals. Ja, ja.

Elsa looks at his crotch, and his shame, he is right guard spot. But do not know how it could happen. I vaguely remember feeling a great pleasure just in time to sleep in his bed ... His bed! In his mind appear the last memories: His plan to oust Lexia of work, family dinner with their parents, going to sleep with the hope of having erotic dreams again to discover who her phantom lover, everything you came as a waterspout. But the awakening was found locked in this cell for lunatics. What had happened?

"Excuse me, sir. This is a mistake my name is Elsa, and I am that this Sandra. My father is an eminent engineer who now must be looking for me. Tell me is this place and I'm wearing a straitjacket. I hope you release me now, or my family will ruin your life!

-Oops! that fear! As Johnny once you think will this foolishness?

The so Johnny takes the girl by the shoulders, while another man grabs her by the ankles. Finally forced to sit in a wheelchair outside the room.

-No. But when he starts to roll journey into the past, I prefer to buy popcorn to enjoy the show. Ja, Ja, ja.

-Si. Heh, heh. That part is great! Come on come on your journey through time has begun: Your future is to see the Doctor Rialta. Your dear doctor Rialta. Heh, heh.

Throughout his journey through the center aisle, Elsa think in the comments of the guards: Do I really believed to be someone else? Is Elsa and Sandra? What you may not remember any of their "previous" life like Sandra if true what he is saying?

Your mind goes over and over again his memories, but never found anything that does not belong to the life of Elsa. No trace of the existence of such Sandra.

After climbing six floors with lift, their white guards estrach the lead by a hallway to a door with a sign:

Dr. Alfredo Rialta. Psychiatry.

Johnny knocks on the door, which opens from within. Dr. vaguely familiar, although his appearance was the stereotype of a psychiatrist:

-Doctor! These men call me Sandra and insist that I am madly in love with you! Talk to my father, please!

Warden grabs more hair and pull back of the head of Elsa:

you please not to continue with this bullshit! Discúlpela, doctor! Today has defiled his room again to defuse the situation and we made a little joke.

-Hector! Please drop Miss immediately! I have warned many times about their brutal ways with regard to our patients and the lack of respect for me! Know that I have to talk to the director of his behavior! This is the last time I see him working here. Get out! And you John, accompanies our guest to the table and remove the shirt.

"But Doctor, you know that is very violent y. ..

"He wants to accompany his colleague in the unemployment line? Do what I say, GO!

guard's face paled. I had never seen the doctor with that anger. On the contrary, the center's staff had nicknamed San Rialta of Calcutta, by his obsession to treat patients as people in their right mind and not as potential hazards with legs.

Finally, Elsa lies on a stretcher without oppressive straitjacket. Only man wearing a light blue pajamas.

The doctor dismisses the guard and closes the door.

When this sitting in the chair clearance, Elsa gets up and runs towards him with open arms

-Why am I here? Who has locked up? What is it that I'm Sandra?

"Miss, I see that you continue with your idea. It is a pity, because in the last session we had made great progress: the story of Elsa deny, deny that he had traveled in time, accepted that it was their fathers who sent them here. Anyway, back to that. Although honestly, I'm not Sisyphus. I give it two more sessions and then finally send her to a center for people with the disease more severe than ours.

feel nauseous. This dizzy. It is not possible.

"But then ... "My name is Sandra?

"That says his birth certificate, personal effects, his family.

- My family?

"Of course, his family that cares about their well-being: His mother, father, sister. Even her fiance now has come to visit.

- My ... my fiance? But perhaps I'm getting married?

-Si. Her fiance, who is here today to see after so many days without being able to visit due to violent attacks. If I promise not to use force on other occasions, he can come and talk freely. Is it good?
The girl said quietly with his head and sits in the chair offered by the doctor.
"Now I call.

The doctor used his intercom to tell his secretary who answered dryly to be ordered to miss the visit of the patient. Elsa does not know how to react.

- "Promised. I promised, and not even remember anything about how we met and my life together."

door opens, Elsa can not believe what your eyes see:
"Hi, honey. These great with the pajamas.
Her fiance is nothing more and nothing less than Eric.
continued ...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

554 Sorry Message Looks Like Spam To Me 2007

This entry is to thank Emile , (author of Understanding of Blood), the prize giving me Symbelmine .

For those unaware of its existence:
"This prize is awarded in appreciation blogs, rewarding work and as a reason to strengthen existing ties, so you do not forget those blogs that do that every day we want to keep doing what we do. "
But it also carries obligations and privileges, including:
1. "choose 7 blogs or websites for their quality, their affinity or whatever reason have failed to establish a link you want to reinforce and reward, and link in the post writing."
2. "Write a post showing the award, citing the name of the blog or web gives it to you and notify your elected with a comment"
3. "Optional: Display your blog Award"
The resolution, as Mayor of Tabernero Pub New Moon, I have given the ruling in favor of the following blogs:

@ 1.-Alg 2.-I'ma
Freakie letters.
3.-Smiles for you. 4.-Lazy
Blog. 5.-Blogessa
. 6.-Feet
newsagent. 7.-A
anyone with a notepad. (Understand that I will not notify them of their granting.,-D)

Thank you all for visiting this tiny corner of the blogosphere .
And one could not forget: Kisses to all. BJ .