Saturday, November 15, 2008

Culinary School Letter Of Recommendation Sample

Oracle and Cisco Academy Conference 2008

on Thursday 13 November, Oracle Day was held at the offices of TVN [1]. In parallel, he was making another Cisco event by whom, and for obvious reasons could not attend.

The Oracle day focused on how different companies offering solutions have relied on Oracle products. The mechanics of the talks was very similar among all:

  • Presentation of the company. That
  • Oracle products used for their solutions.
  • How Oracle supports them.

Rather, it was an event focused on sharing experiences, anything technical for that matter. In parallel, each company had its stand in order to make exchanges, offer, made public more than anything.

Rounds of talks were divided into three groups that exhibited simultaneously. After the first cycle was a luncheon in the courtyard of the TVN and then continued exposures.

Now, that in the event in general. How do we live? so:

  • The inscriptions, according to little information on the portal seemed to be Open. Arriving there, they said it was only for businesses and teachers, not students. OWNED! The teacher who was our group's charges, talk to one of the charge and managed to let us go ... luckily. During
  • CoffeBreak ... Nobody wanted to serve me a cup of tea. OWNED! Well, most drinks coffee and then to wait for the water could boil ... I preferred to leave the table ...
  • Luncheon ... We could not enjoy the lunch, there was no room, and between waiting ... prefer to return to the hotel and have lunch with the rest of the delegation, which had also become the event they attended.

Actually this is the story, to give a more comical sense, but rather helped me to analyze than other business areas can be exploited in my area. Not everything is programming and networking, if not to integrate different solutions for the purpose of providing a platform for companies is also the task of computer.

On day 14, Duoc in the host A. Ovalle, the event was held Cisco academy conference. There was also discussion groups that were done in parallel, therefore, the entire delegation was separated again. Talks

which stand out were MPLS [2], a packet routing technology using tags (without revisions ip); Windows V / S Linux, the eternal holy war which could only attend almost end, since I corresponded this group of lectures, Education 2.0, which talked about the north that is following through education and how to use internet to our advantage, obviously, having the case cosinderaciones, etc.

In short, it was a nice experience (which I also feedback) which encourages further to explore other areas that may not take into account or have not ventured into it, or at worst do not know exist.

Photos?, Should the stay. Just get them the ire rising. Atte

---- Ker


1: National Television of Chile

2 MPLS: Multiprotocol Label Switching


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