Thursday, March 12, 2009

Confident Dental -cochin

Nepo Review Journal 12/03/09- Alejandro Cruz Nation Brief Luis Biasotto, faces a challenge

Seeking other


One of the founders of Krapp premieres in October (white on stage)

News Shows : previous more conceptual, something outside of certain guidelines established scenic and certified by the dance circuit, the press and the public. That is why he is one of the founders of Krapp (
Mendiolaza , Olympica
), refuses to give too many clues and even the press release is-almost-enigmatic. "I wanted to run me out of my usual and that people do not know what you will see. In Krapp the public already knows the code, that is why I wanted to go elsewhere and that the public will be greeted with something more related to contemporary art" says.

This new course recognizes certain milestones. For now, in

Low, ugly and wood (a piece forgotten) work which premiered at the Red in 2006, believes that had some of this "patient process" of this babble in which trial and error played a vital role. That experience was invited to join the French festival of dance / theater / performance Dessu Dessus, "in which many times we wondered what we were seeing." That confusion was scored. There was a light (white "on stage?) Who seduced him. En busca de otros horizontes From this perspective, since October 2007 (hence the title) some texts by Danto and Müller, Jadson experiences Church of the sixties and certain procedures biodramáticos slipped by. - Is not it contradictory to submit such a proposal in a room attached to the culture of spectacle?

"I understand what you say. It is contradictory, but it is a risk that had to run. Alejandro Cruz

To schedule

October (white on stage), Luis Biasotto .

Cultural Center of Cooperation

Corrientes 1543. Thursday at 21. Entry, $ 25.


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