Monday, June 15, 2009

White Patches After Eyebrow Wax

commentary on: October (white on stage)

June 11, 2009

A white scene? reflection, or staged?

In these times of widespread nonsense, it's nice that someone thought involving all LA. In October
not know much going on: and who danced, and when finished, and who goes. The certainty is that artistic creation (and why not, any creative act) involves having a profound, funny, collectively. When the virtuosity is not enough, when the show only excites us be meaningless, the question arises: what to do?

much noise in both stimulus contemporary stage stop and a question is worth more if well managed. When we are called to share insights and searches are less solxs, I think.

Now, where to start or how is a debate that concerns us all LA.

Highly recommended.


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