Traveler: Live to play (and II) -I won.
Tramp's voice shows no emotion, only confirms the fact. Smithee
technique had been arrested by anti-something even better. Evaristo unknown technique. It was unbelievable, but true, that beggar had been better than him.
"But, how?
"Sorry, kid. As we agreed before you pay.
The boy believes the man just wants money, but when you have to take your wallet, it gets up and walks away from the table:
"No, boy. I do not want money, then tell you the payment, but let me go to the toilet. Ah! If you want to be revenge, I know that you burn with desire to know how I managed.
The tramp takes a few steps toward the plastic protector, when your body goes through the exit, Evaristo hear the yells
"And you're more curious to discover who I am. That deserves another game with the bet included. I'm back before you say: Ay, caramba!.
The boy is nervous, just an hour earlier, was waiting in the queue for boarding the flight to go to Iguazu to defend his title as world champion backgammon against its eternal rival Hwonty Algiers, the God of the game Ancient Site.
Now he played his reputation with a complete stranger in a waiting room at the airport reforms that the flight was delayed for three hours, and because the man was intrigued.
was true, Evaristo was curious to know who he was and how he won.
While hesitant to follow to the men, the man appeared in the plastic.
- Are you ready to pay?
-Down with this, I have only two hours and I want revenge.
The tramp smiled.
"Well, well. Before you pay. Evaristo
rises and approaches the man: "Your say
"I want the following: Promise me that when I finish the next game not board the plane. Evaristo
eyes wide open. His voice exploded in the man's face:
- Are you crazy? That's no joke. You pay one night hotel or dinner, including a suit, but that's not possible.
The beggar nor was unfazed, smiles while speaking at the same time relaxed goes their way out of the room:
"Pride champion. In short, this means that you have a little word. Evaristo Goodbye Mandro professional backgammon. Good luck with your life.
The boy is paralyzed a couple of minutes: The anger has given way to doubt and with it the fear of not ever reveal it.
Their feet move before your mind is aware that his hands have already opened the protective canvas.
Where is the man?
The search for other rooms, but there is none who seeks. "I'm stupid." the guy thinks when he thinks no longer find the bum, this is behind a chair, squatting. Evaristo fears faced with a lunatic who has taken the hair and hides him in a pathetic way.
When about to return to the room in reforms, the boy sees something that gives hope to re-engage in a conversation with the wanderer: The man is playing hide and seek with a girl about eight years, which at that time climbs into the chair. The tramp out of hiding and embracing the young. Evaristo
seen as the leaves on the ground and look towards him. Their eyes meet and the Tramp nods in agreement. His hand caresses the little red hair, and finally, talk to the parents of this, soon to go along the boy.
Arriving in front of the boy, the beggar spoke in a normal tone, no playfulness in his voice: "It seems
curiosity overcame the hurt pride. Well, first I want your promise. If not, is a boring girl who wants to play.
When it comes to small, this raises his head and greets the man back to her. Incredibly, this raises his response to the child. Without having even looked.
- What do you say? Evaristo
this hysterical. This dilemma was nonsense. With a cool head would have sent to hell for the individual, but with that doubt in your mind ...
"I accept, but what if while playing the game, just for fun, tell me who you are and how you do it?
The stranger smiles broadly at the same time places his arm around the boy, with that gesture brings you the room was being renovated:
-Ja, Ja, well you win. Play for fun and a story to tell.
As the game progresses, Evaristo started to believe again that before a poor fool. A genius of the game, but crazy.
Just sit at the board, the man had begun to reel off a most extraordinary story: According to this, had been traveling from the airport was more than three years, but the release date was tomorrow.
Apparently his theory was that if anyone ever flew eastward, was gained time to time and again to the past.
The bum said he knew the secret that had been saved by another traveler who made him promise that when you know someone who deserves to be saved, start your own journey to get there. With the safe choice, should explain the rules so that, in turn, this began another journey.
to the beggar, Evaristo was chosen: Since its salvation, was chosen bide his time and his disciple in this city, but he was from somewhere else far away.
He has started beating Evaristo, since the boy was frustrated to learn that a potential rival was insane.
-Evaristo, I know this seems idiotic, but I assure you that if you've been winning is because I can play. Simply, the first time I played you teach me the rules and I confessed I was preparing an infallible technique: The Smithee. During these three years I have taken this trip to learn how to beat you.
Man out of his backpack a PDA, on your screen is just an icon: the best backgammon computer simulator.
-program your moves and I finally got to find your Achilles heel. That might impress you and make you give up your flight. By the way, I have won again.
The boy is tired, the man was missing a screw, and had managed to believe that he was sane with his kindness, but to show the simulator thought he was going to choke.
"I had never played before you. Knight, congratulations on his photographic memory, but that's not playing. I've lost a lot of time, if you'll excuse me I would be just the few minutes of waiting.
The tramp does not show any emotion. His voice sounds quiet again and slow:
"This morning has played a receptionist in your hotel. As expected the taxi that brought you here. Think that during my training did not work, actually, when I saved and started traveling back in time to be gained time, this is the second time here. The first was when I saw the accident, and now that I chose as my protege, "You. Evaristo
surprised sympathetic recalling the receptionist asked if I could help you improve your game. And they seemed brothers, but then to be the same person ...
"It's crazy, but now you're safe. Do not board the plane and I can be free to regain my former life with my girlfriend who supports me and await my return home. Evaristo
gathers his things and heads out of the room:
"You are a poor fool. I feel that his ability has reported a better life, but she deso best. Know that I'll get on that flight anyway. Good night and good luck.
When the plastic comes out the tramp raises his voice, but without any bitterness:
"You try to be a better person, when you start the journey back in time learn to be. Good luck in your chosen search.
A little calmer, Evaristo goes to the counter of the company air. To his surprise there is a bustle of people, including the lady who attended to him before is crying with the phone in hand, when looking up, the girl shoots his way to hug.
"My God, is alive! But, why did not rise?
what you're talking about, and that is embracing me, Miss Perty!
The girl laughs and looks into her eyes:
"Always friendly, despite having been saved from death. The plane has rolled down the runway and exploded in taking off. You're the only one who did not upload it. Although the output will send you ahead of time through the speakers, you have not heard and that may have saved. Evaristo
stayed blank for a few minutes, hugging the hostess.
"Tell me, Wendy. Is there a flight planned eastward come out soon?